


Swine farming: be successful in raising pigs

If you want to become a successful pig farmer you should know the correct way of caring your pigs related to swine pens, their eating behavior and more. The above all called the secret of swine farming. When swine are cared properly they can provide you not only the plenty of cheap meet but also the fertilizer that can be used in your fields. But they should be cared properly like proper arrangement of the swine pens.
When you buy swine from the breeder the caring begins at the moment as you must be careful about some points while buying them. You should make sure that the piglets you buy are healthy in nature and looks and also have been immunized for the very much common swine diseases. So you should look for a trustworthy breeder. You will come to know that a breeder is good by the facilities they provide and their breeding stock. If the stick at the breeder are not clean and they look sticky don't buy the piglets from them as they may be having some diseases. And you must consult with a local veterinarian for the vaccination program of your herd.
Many people think the stuffs you need to feed the pigs are spoiled vegetables and table scraps. When you say caring for pig you mean they should stay healthy. Also make sure that you are feeding them the right powder feed for their current level of development. Need of plenty of clean, fresh water to drink is the most important thing you should look as water is essential to their health. You also need to change the water daily as there are possibilities that they bath in the water so it become dirty. Pigs are very clean animal but they have a reputation of being called dirty animals only because they love to enjoy rolling around in mud, to cool off. If you keep them in clean pig pens they will never become dirty. They become dirt only because they are kept in filthy pig pens. So you must care the living quarter or swine pens, with plenty of fresh straw for bedding which should be change regularly. So the pig pens play a major role in farming of pigs.

If you are raising swine in pasture or leaving them occasionally to root around in the fields where they can find plants to eat. When they are mature you should take care of this thing to prevent them wandering away. If you do not want to see them dirty then you might want to build a pool where they can role or swim to cool off. Try to refill the pool frequently with a hose. For outdoor pigs they should have a small hut where they can have shelter from the hot sun.
If you care for pigs then proper handling is required. They are intelligent animals but need a little care for shelter and foods so that they can be used for farming. Proper feeds and regular feeding and necessary vaccination will make a proper Swine farming.
Contact us now for management counselling on Fish Farming, Poultry Farming, Piggery Farming, Ruminants Production, Cattle Farming, Sheep Farming and Goat Farming,Ginea Pig farming, Rabbit Farming, Snail Farming, Bee Keeping (Apiculture), Mushroom Production, Vegetable Crop Farming, Cash and Food Crop Farming and Marketing. You can email us or call +234 8068101114. You 're welcome.




                                                  Tilapia-easy farming and Great eating.

Tilapia were originally found in Africa but today can be found to inhabit different fresh water habitats like streams, ponds, rivers and lakes around the world. They are tropical fish and can only stand temperatures abouve 55*F. Some interesting and trivial facts about the fish that they rear their young on their mouths until they have grown enough to fend for themselves, The tilapia also, at some time, were released into the Kenyan waters to feed on mosquito larva to address malaria epidemic.

They also played a role in the World War II as prime protein source for the poor. And one of its species, the Nile Tilapia also known as St. Peter Fish is also speculated to be the fish Jesus multiplied and fed to the masses at the Sermon on the Mount as the fish is native to the sea of Galilee.
Their appetite, quick growth and breeding, characteristics made the Tilapia the third only to carps and salmonids in the importance in aquaculture. Tilapia farming has been around a couple and hal thousand years and it is said that farming the fist started in Israel. In 2002 tilapia production went up to 1,505,804 tons and today Taiwan is the largest exporter of Tilapia and the US and Japan being the largest consumers. The comercial culture of tilapia is almost exclusive these 3 species: Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis nilotica). Of the three tilapia species that has the potential for aquaculture, the Nile Tilapia is the most comonly used species in tilapia in fish farming. Blue Tilapia (Oreochromis aurea). More at home in salty waters and lower temperatures, the blue tilapia is the next most cultured tilapia specie. Black Tilapia or Java tilapia. (Oreochromis mossambica) Very much like the Blue Tilapia in their spawning age and toleracen in salty water, their males grow faster than the other two mentions species. General Buying Tips that applies only for the Tilapia Fish Smell it! The phrase 'Smells fishy, is actually to connote something that is not good and that is probably because whoever came up with that phrase probably only bought fish 'late in the afternoon, when they are no longer fresh, but most of the fish you will purchase would most probably come frozen. Fresh fish smells 'sweet', it should smell a bit different but without the strong 'fishy' smell that means the fish is past its prime. Fresh fish should not smell bad. Look at it! If it looks like fresh out of the water, firm flesh and bright eyes and red gills are signs of freshness. The eyes of the fish are the easiest indicators of freshness, if itis bloodshot, like say in tilapia fish or milk fish, then it might be a better idea to move along.

Fillets should look bright without discoloration. Freeze it! Fish meat is very perishable and if you are going to freeze it for more than 2 days it should be wrapped well in freezer paper. Only thaw the fish when you are going to cook it, thawing and re-freezing is not a good idea. Tilapia Fish Recipes Quick Tip: Remove the Muddy Taste - Common with fish that includes vegetation in their diet, the tilapia fish has a somewhat muddy taste, though I myself have never encountered this muddy taste or i might have grown accustomed to it and probably is the very same flavor that i liked about the tilapia fish but i know others prefers the fish without this flavor. So if you found this flavor not your liking then to counter act this muddy taste, a 15-20 minute marinating in buttermilk should sip out the unwanted taste out of the fish before going through your tilapia fish recipes. Quick and Easy Recipes | Tilapia Fish Stew. This one is an easy dish to make with fantastic taste with only a few ingredients. The clam juice is what gives this recipe the tasty results. Easy to prepare and works best with Tilapia Fish, I am pretty sure you will find this absolutely delicious!

 INGREDIENTS: * 6 Tablespoon f olive oil *
1 cup of chopped onions *
2 large garlic cloves, chopped *
2/3 cup fresh parsley, chopped *
1 cup of fresh chopped tomato (about 1 medium sized tomato) * 2 tsp of tomato paste * 8 oz of clam juice *2/3 cup dry white wine *
 1/2 lb Tilapia Fish fillets cut into 2-inch pieces * Touch of dry oregano, Tabasco, thyme, pepper.

DIRECTIONS: 1. Heat olive oil in heavy large pot over medium-high heat. Add chopped onion and garlic and sauté for 4 minutes and you can also add some celery and mushroom at this point for added flavor. Add parsley and stir for 2 minutes. Add tomato and tomato paste and let cook for 2 minutes longer.
2. Add clam juice, dry white wine, and fish and simmer until the Tilapia fish is cooked through, that should be less than 10 minutes. Add seasoning. Salt to taste. Ladle into bowls and serve.Quick and Easy Recipes | Baked Tilapia Fish. This recipe is not only for making baked tilapia but can also be used to prepare any type of mild flavored and firm fleshed white fish fillets. Total preparation time for this very affordable dish is 40 minutes, of which 20 minutes is used for baking the tilapia in the oven. This specific recipe needs 4 ounces of tilapia fish fillets and is enough to serve 4 serv

Contact us now for management counselling on Fish Farming, Poultry Farming, Piggery Farming, Ruminants Production, Cattle Farming, Sheep Farming and Goat Farming,Ginea Pig farming, Rabbit Farming, Snail Farming, Bee Keeping (Apiculture), Mushroom Production, Vegetable Crop Farming, Cash and Food Crop Farming and Marketing , Feed milling technology

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