


In the spirit of the season, Ekwu Farms and Agribusiness is lending a hand to partner with you in the noble course to make proteinous food readily available to our teaming Nigerian populace at affordable prices. 

To achieve this aim, we launched this online platform, wrote ebooks on the various animal farming enterprise from start to finish and also give professional advice to our site readers like you, to ask you question click on comment to leave your questions as a comment beneath the article.

The online platform is an avenue to reach to millions of prospective farmers out there like you, enabling us to break the limitation placed by distance as barrier to reach you. 100% successful farming adventure or investment guaranteed. This online platform was meant and designed to encourage and asisst you to start your own farm today from the scratch, with or without any prior knowledge of animal farming and management to finish. You don't need to worry or border so much, you have our full support and our profession advice at your disposal so why worry, always count on us. 

Ekwu farms and Agribusiness Piggery farm Unit

Contact us today for your farm feasibility study, project costing and evaluation, business plans writing for easy loan securement in banks, financial instutions and other lending agencies, high yielding animal breeds to rear, feedstuffs and feeding, animal breeding techniques, livestock care and management, online counselling services on any of the below mentioned animal farming enterprises which include Fish Farming, Poultry Farming, Piggery Farming, Ruminants Production, Cattle Farming, Sheep Farming and Goat Farming, Ginea Pig farming, Rabbit Farming, Snail Farming, Bee Keeping and honey production (Apiculture), Mushroom Production, Pet Farming and Animal Product Processing, Preservation and Marketing. 

Our email is or call +234 8068101114. You 're welcome.


In the spirit of the season, are lending a hand to partner with you in the noble course to make protein food readily available to our teaming populace at affordable prices. To achieve this aim, we launched this online platform, wrote ebooks on the various animal farming enterprise from start to finish and also give professional advice to our site readers like you, to ask you question click on comment to leave your questions as a comment beneath the article. The online platform is an avenue to reach to millions of prospective farmers out there like you, enabling us to break the limitation placed by distance as barrier to reach you. 100% successful farming adventure or investment guaranteed. This online platform was meant and designed to encourage and asisst you to start your own farm today from the scratch, with or without any prior knowledge of animal farming and management to finish. You don't need to worry or border so much, you have our full support and our profession advice at your disposal so why worry, always count on us. Contact us today for your farm feasibility study, project costing and evaluation, business plans writing for easy loan securement in banks, financial instutions and other lending agencies, high yielding animal breeds to rear, feedstuffs and feeding, animal breeding techniques, livestock care and management, online counselling services on any of the below mentioned animal farming enterprises which include Fish Farming, Poultry Farming, Piggery Farming, Ruminants Production, Cattle Farming, Sheep Farming and Goat Farming, Ginea Pig farming, Rabbit Farming, Snail Farming, Bee Keeping and honey production (Apiculture), Mushroom Production, Pet Farming and Animal Product Processing, Preservation and Marketing. Our email is or call +234 8068101114. You 're welcome.


Please dear reader request a pdf free ebook on pig farming hygiene and care as it is regularly updated via our email or call our phone number below.

A product of fish farming

Start your own piggery farm today

In the spirit of the season, are lending a hand to partner with you in the noble course to make protein food readily available to our teaming populace at affordable prices. To achieve this aim, we launched this online platform, wrote ebooks on the various animal farming enterprise from start to finish and also give professional advice to our site readers like you, to ask you question click on comment to leave your questions as a comment beneath the article. The online platform is an avenue to reach to millions of prospective farmers out there like you, enabling us to break the limitation placed by distance as barrier to reach you. 100% successful farming adventure or investment guaranteed.

This online platform was meant and designed to encourage and asisst you to start your own farm today from the scratch, with or without any prior knowledge of animal farming and management to finish. You don't need to worry or border so much, you have our full support and our profession advice at your disposal so why worry, always count on us. 

Contact Ekwu Farms and Agribusiness today for your farm feasibility study, project costing and evaluation, business plans writing for easy loan securement in banks, financial instutions and other lending agencies, high yielding animal breeds to rear, feedstuffs and feeding, animal breeding techniques, livestock care and management, online counselling services on any of the below mentioned animal farming enterprises which include Fish Farming, Poultry Farming, Piggery Farming, Ruminants Production, Cattle Farming, Sheep Farming and Goat Farming, Ginea Pig farming, Rabbit Farming, Snail Farming, Bee Keeping and honey production (Apiculture), Mushroom Production, Pet Farming and Animal Product Processing, Preservation , Processing and Marketing. Our email is or call +234 8068101114. You 're welcome.




In the spirit of the season, are lending a hand to partner with you in the noble course to make protein food readily available to our teaming populace at affordable prices. To achieve this aim, we launched this online platform, wrote ebooks on the various animal farming enterprise from start to finish and also give professional advice to our site readers like you, to ask you question click on comment to leave your questions as a comment beneath the article. The online platform is an avenue to reach to millions of prospective farmers out there like you, enabling us to break the limitation placed by distance as barrier to reach you. 100% successful farming adventure or investment guaranteed. This online platform was meant and designed to encourage and asisst you to start your own farm today from the scratch, with or without any prior knowledge of animal farming and management to finish. You don't need to worry or border so much, you have our full support and our profession advice at your disposal so why worry, always count on us. Contact us today for your farm feasibility study, project costing and evaluation, business plans writing for easy loan securement in banks, financial instutions and other lending agencies, high yielding animal breeds to rear, feedstuffs and feeding, animal breeding techniques, livestock care and management, online counselling services on any of the below mentioned animal farming enterprises which include Fish Farming, Poultry Farming, Piggery Farming, Ruminants Production, Cattle Farming, Sheep Farming and Goat Farming, Ginea Pig farming, Rabbit Farming, Snail Farming, Bee Keeping and honey production (Apiculture), Mushroom Production, Pet Farming and Animal Product Processing, Preservation and Marketing. Our email is or call +234 8068101114. You 're welcome.


In the spirit of the season, are lending a hand to partner with you in the noble course to make protein food readily available to our teaming populace at affordable prices. To achieve this aim, we launched this online platform, wrote ebooks on the various animal farming enterprise from start to finish and also give professional advice to our site readers like you, to ask you question click on comment to leave your questions as a comment beneath the article. The online platform is an avenue to reach to millions of prospective farmers out there like you, enabling us to break the limitation placed by distance as barrier to reach you. 100% successful farming adventure or investment guaranteed. This online platform was meant and designed to encourage and asisst you to start your own farm today from the scratch, with or without any prior knowledge of animal farming and management to finish. You don't need to worry or border so much, you have our full support and our profession advice at your disposal so why worry, always count on us. Contact us today for your farm feasibility study, project costing and evaluation, business plans writing for easy loan securement in banks, financial instutions and other lending agencies, high yielding animal breeds to rear, feedstuffs and feeding, animal breeding techniques, livestock care and management, online counselling services on any of the below mentioned animal farming enterprises which include Fish Farming, Poultry Farming, Piggery Farming, Ruminants Production, Cattle Farming, Sheep Farming and Goat Farming, Ginea Pig farming, Rabbit Farming, Snail Farming, Bee Keeping and honey production (Apiculture), Mushroom Production, Pet Farming and Animal Product Processing, Preservation and Marketing. Our email is or call +234 8068101114. You 're welcome.


In the spirit of the season, are lending a hand to partner with you in the noble course to make protein food readily available to our teaming populace at affordable prices. To achieve this aim, we launched this online platform, wrote ebooks on the various animal farming enterprise from start to finish and also give professional advice to our site readers like you, to ask you question click on comment to leave your questions as a comment beneath the article. The online platform is an avenue to reach to millions of prospective farmers out there like you, enabling us to break the limitation placed by distance as barrier to reach you. 100% successful farming adventure or investment guaranteed. This online platform was meant and designed to encourage and asisst you to start your own farm today from the scratch, with or without any prior knowledge of animal farming and management to finish. You don't need to worry or border so much, you have our full support and our profession advice at your disposal so why worry, always count on us. Contact us today for your farm feasibility study, project costing and evaluation, business plans writing for easy loan securement in banks, financial instutions and other lending agencies, high yielding animal breeds to rear, feedstuffs and feeding, animal breeding techniques, livestock care and management, online counselling services on any of the below mentioned animal farming enterprises which include Fish Farming, Poultry Farming, Piggery Farming, Ruminants Production, Cattle Farming, Sheep Farming and Goat Farming, Ginea Pig farming, Rabbit Farming, Snail Farming, Bee Keeping and honey production (Apiculture), Mushroom Production, Pet Farming and Animal Product Processing, Preservation and Marketing. Our email is or call +234 8068101114. You 're welcome.


In the spirit of global village, are lending a hand to partner with you in the noble course to make protein food readily available to our teaming populace at affordable prices. To achieve this aim, we launched this online platform, wrote ebooks on the various animal farming enterprise from start to finish and also give professional advice to our site readers like you, to ask you question click on comment to leave your questions as a comment beneath the article. The online platform is an avenue to reach to millions of prospective farmers out there like you, enabling us to break the limitation placed by distance as barrier to reach you. 100% successful farming adventure or investment guaranteed. This online platform was meant and designed to encourage and asisst you to start your own farm today from the scratch, with or without any prior knowledge of animal farming and management to finish. You don't need to worry or border so much, you have our full support and our profession advice at your disposal so why worry, always count on us.

Contact us today for your farm feasibility study, project costing and evaluation, business plans writing for easy loan securement in banks, financial instutions and other lending agencies, high yielding animal breeds to rear, feedstuffs and feeding, animal breeding techniques, livestock care and management, online counselling services on any of the below mentioned animal farming enterprises which include Fish Farming, Poultry Farming, Piggery Farming, Ruminants Production, Cattle Farming, Sheep Farming and Goat Farming, Ginea Pig farming, Rabbit Farming, Snail Farming, Bee Keeping and honey production (Apiculture), Mushroom Production, Pet Farming and Animal Product Processing, Preservation and Marketing. Our email is or call +234 8068101114. You 're welcome.


Dear reader, if you are interested in the poultry farming and enterprise, please request for free via our email to receive a pdf regularly updated ebook on poultry enterprise now.

Poultry farmer Manager at Ekwu Farms and Agribusiness

Deep litter poultry pens at the farm

Battery cage poultry pen at the farm

In the spirit of the season, are lending a hand to partner with you in the noble course to make protein food readily available to our teaming populace at affordable prices. To achieve this aim, we launched this online platform, wrote ebooks on the various animal farming enterprise from start to finish and also give professional advice to our site readers like you, to ask you question click on comment to leave your questions as a comment beneath the article. The online platform is an avenue to reach to millions of prospective farmers out there like you, enabling us to break the limitation placed by distance as barrier to reach you. 100% successful farming adventure or investment guaranteed. This online platform was meant and designed to encourage and asisst you to start your own farm today from the scratch, with or without any prior knowledge of animal farming and management to finish. You don't need to worry or border so much, you have our full support and our profession advice at your disposal so why worry, always count on us. 

Contact Ekwu Farms and Agribusiness today for your farm feasibility study, project costing and evaluation, business plans writing for easy loan securement in banks, financial instutions and other lending agencies, high yielding animal breeds to rear, feedstuffs and feeding, animal breeding techniques, livestock care and management, online counselling services on any of the below mentioned animal farming enterprises which include Fish Farming, Poultry Farming, Piggery Farming, Ruminants Production, Cattle Farming, Sheep Farming and Goat Farming, Ginea Pig farming, Rabbit Farming, Snail Farming, Bee Keeping and honey production (Apiculture), Mushroom Production, Pet Farming and Animal Product Processing, Preservation and Marketing. Our email is or call +234 8068101114. You 're welcome.


A bee harvester with apron and guards

Bee hives under tall trees canopies

Honey bee in the colonies

Bee production research farm
Dear reader please if your are interested in bee production, request for a pdf ebook on bee keeping and production now email us via our email, thanks

In the spirit of the season, are lending a hand to partner with you in the noble course to make protein food readily available to our teaming populace at affordable prices. To achieve this aim, we launched this online platform, wrote ebooks on the various animal farming enterprise from start to finish and also give professional advice to our site readers like you, to ask you question click on comment to leave your questions as a comment beneath the article. The online platform is an avenue to reach to millions of prospective farmers out there like you, enabling us to break the limitation placed by distance as barrier to reach you. 100% successful farming adventure or investment guaranteed.

This online platform was meant and designed to encourage and asisst you to start your own farm today from the scratch, with or without any prior knowledge of animal farming and management to finish. You don't need to worry or border so much, you have our full support and our profession advice at your disposal so why worry, always count on us. 

Contact Ekwu Farms and Agribusiness today for your farm feasibility study, project costing and evaluation, business plans writing for easy loan securement in banks, financial instutions and other lending agencies, high yielding animal breeds to rear, feedstuffs and feeding, animal breeding techniques, livestock care and management, online counselling services on any of the below mentioned animal farming enterprises which include Fish Farming, Poultry Farming, Piggery Farming, Ruminants Production, Cattle Farming, Sheep Farming and Goat Farming, Ginea Pig farming, Rabbit Farming, Snail Farming, Bee Keeping and honey production (Apiculture), Mushroom Production, Pet Farming and Animal Product Processing, Preservation and Marketing. 

Our email is or call +234 8068101114. You 're welcome.


Dear reader, please if you interested in cattle farming and production feel free to request for a pdf  ebook on cattle farming and production via our email now.

A cattle Farm/ Ranch

A herd of cattle foraging and guided by a sherperd

Cattle foraging with a sherperd

In the spirit of the season, are lending a hand to partner with you in the noble course to make protein food readily available to our teaming populace at affordable prices. To achieve this aim, we launched this online platform, wrote ebooks on the various animal farming enterprise from start to finish and also give professional advice to our site readers like you, to ask you question click on comment to leave your questions as a comment beneath the article. The online platform is an avenue to reach to millions of prospective farmers out there like you, enabling us to break the limitation placed by distance as barrier to reach you. 100% successful farming adventure or investment guaranteed.

This online platform was meant and designed to encourage and asisst you to start your own farm today from the scratch, with or without any prior knowledge of animal farming and management to finish. You don't need to worry or border so much, you have our full support and our profession advice at your disposal so why worry, always count on us. 

Contact Ekwu farms and Agribusiness today for your farm feasibility study, project costing and evaluation, business plans writing for easy loan securement in banks, financial instutions and other lending agencies, high yielding animal breeds to rear, feedstuffs and feeding, animal breeding techniques, livestock care and management, online counselling services on any of the below mentioned animal farming enterprises which include Fish Farming, Poultry Farming, Piggery Farming, Ruminants Production, Cattle Farming, Sheep Farming and Goat Farming, Ginea Pig farming, Rabbit Farming, Snail Farming, Bee Keeping and honey production (Apiculture), Mushroom Production, Pet Farming and Animal Product Processing, Preservation and Marketing. 

Request your free ebook via this email : or call +234 8068101114. You 're welcome.


In the spirit of the season, are lending a hand to partner with you in the noble course to make protein food readily available to our teaming populace at affordable prices. To achieve this aim, we launched this online platform, wrote ebooks on the various animal farming enterprise from start to finish and also give professional advice to our site readers like you, to ask you question click on comment to leave your questions as a comment beneath the article. The online platform is an avenue to reach to millions of prospective farmers out there like you, enabling us to break the limitation placed by distance as barrier to reach you. 100% successful farming adventure or investment guaranteed. This online platform was meant and designed to encourage and asisst you to start your own farm today from the scratch, with or without any prior knowledge of animal farming and management to finish. You don't need to worry or border so much, you have our full support and our profession advice at your disposal so why worry, always count on us. Contact us today for your farm feasibility study, project costing and evaluation, business plans writing for easy loan securement in banks, financial instutions and other lending agencies, high yielding animal breeds to rear, feedstuffs and feeding, animal breeding techniques, livestock care and management, online counselling services on any of the below mentioned animal farming enterprises which include Fish Farming, Poultry Farming, Piggery Farming, Ruminants Production, Cattle Farming, Sheep Farming and Goat Farming, Ginea Pig farming, Rabbit Farming, Snail Farming, Bee Keeping and honey production (Apiculture), Mushroom Production, Pet Farming and Animal Product Processing, Preservation and Marketing. Our email is or call +234 8068101114. You 're welcome.


In the spirit of the season, are lending a hand to partner with you in the noble course to make protein food readily available to our teaming populace at affordable prices. To achieve this aim, we launched this online platform, wrote ebooks on the various animal farming enterprise from start to finish and also give professional advice to our site readers like you, to ask you question click on comment to leave your questions as a comment beneath the article. The online platform is an avenue to reach to millions of prospective farmers out there like you, enabling us to break the limitation placed by distance as barrier to reach you. 100% successful farming adventure or investment guaranteed. This online platform was meant and designed to encourage and asisst you to start your own farm today from the scratch, with or without any prior knowledge of animal farming and management to finish. You don't need to worry or border so much, you have our full support and our profession advice at your disposal so why worry, always count on us. Contact us today for your farm feasibility study, project costing and evaluation, business plans writing for easy loan securement in banks, financial instutions and other lending agencies, high yielding animal breeds to rear, feedstuffs and feeding, animal breeding techniques, livestock care and management, online counselling services on any of the below mentioned animal farming enterprises which include Fish Farming, Poultry Farming, Piggery Farming, Ruminants Production, Cattle Farming, Sheep Farming and Goat Farming, Ginea Pig farming, Rabbit Farming, Snail Farming, Bee Keeping and honey production (Apiculture), Mushroom Production, Pet Farming and Animal Product Processing, Preservation and Marketing. Our email is or call +234 8068101114. You 're welcome.


In the spirit of the season, are lending a hand to partner with you in the noble course to make protein food readily available to our teaming populace at affordable prices. To achieve this aim, we launched this online platform, wrote ebooks on the various animal farming enterprise from start to finish and also give professional advice to our site readers like you, to ask you question click on comment to leave your questions as a comment beneath the article. The online platform is an avenue to reach to millions of prospective farmers out there like you, enabling us to break the limitation placed by distance as barrier to reach you. 100% successful farming adventure or investment guaranteed. This online platform was meant and designed to encourage and asisst you to start your own farm today from the scratch, with or without any prior knowledge of animal farming and management to finish. You don't need to worry or border so much, you have our full support and our profession advice at your disposal so why worry, always count on us. Contact us today for your farm feasibility study, project costing and evaluation, business plans writing for easy loan securement in banks, financial instutions and other lending agencies, high yielding animal breeds to rear, feedstuffs and feeding, animal breeding techniques, livestock care and management, online counselling services on any of the below mentioned animal farming enterprises which include Fish Farming, Poultry Farming, Piggery Farming, Ruminants Production, Cattle Farming, Sheep Farming and Goat Farming, Ginea Pig farming, Rabbit Farming, Snail Farming, Bee Keeping and honey production (Apiculture), Mushroom Production, Pet Farming and Animal Product Processing, Preservation and Marketing. Our email is or call +234 8068101114. You 're welcome.


In the spirit of the season, are lending a hand to partner with you in the noble course to make protein food readily available to our teaming populace at affordable prices. To achieve this aim, we launched this online platform, wrote ebooks on the various animal farming enterprise from start to finish and also give professional advice to our site readers like you, to ask you question click on comment to leave your questions as a comment beneath the article. The online platform is an avenue to reach to millions of prospective farmers out there like you, enabling us to break the limitation placed by distance as barrier to reach you. 100% successful farming adventure or investment guaranteed. This online platform was meant and designed to encourage and asisst you to start your own farm today from the scratch, with or without any prior knowledge of animal farming and management to finish. You don't need to worry or border so much, you have our full support and our profession advice at your disposal so why worry, always count on us. Contact us today for your farm feasibility study, project costing and evaluation, business plans writing for easy loan securement in banks, financial instutions and other lending agencies, high yielding animal breeds to rear, feedstuffs and feeding, animal breeding techniques, livestock care and management, online counselling services on any of the below mentioned animal farming enterprises which include Fish Farming, Poultry Farming, Piggery Farming, Ruminants Production, Cattle Farming, Sheep Farming and Goat Farming, Ginea Pig farming, Rabbit Farming, Snail Farming, Bee Keeping and honey production (Apiculture), Mushroom Production, Pet Farming and Animal Product Processing, Preservation and Marketing. Our email is or call +234 8068101114. You 're welcome.


In the spirit of the season, are lending a hand to partner with you in the noble course to make protein food readily available to our teaming populace at affordable prices. To achieve this aim, we launched this online platform, wrote ebooks on the various animal farming enterprise from start to finish and also give professional advice to our site readers like you, to ask you question click on comment to leave your questions as a comment beneath the article. The online platform is an avenue to reach to millions of prospective farmers out there like you, enabling us to break the limitation placed by distance as barrier to reach you. 100% successful farming adventure or investment guaranteed. This online platform was meant and designed to encourage and asisst you to start your own farm today from the scratch, with or without any prior knowledge of animal farming and management to finish. You don't need to worry or border so much, you have our full support and our profession advice at your disposal so why worry, always count on us. Contact us today for your farm feasibility study, project costing and evaluation, business plans writing for easy loan securement in banks, financial instutions and other lending agencies, high yielding animal breeds to rear, feedstuffs and feeding, animal breeding techniques, livestock care and management, online counselling services on any of the below mentioned animal farming enterprises which include Fish Farming, Poultry Farming, Piggery Farming, Ruminants Production, Cattle Farming, Sheep Farming and Goat Farming, Ginea Pig farming, Rabbit Farming, Snail Farming, Bee Keeping and honey production (Apiculture), Mushroom Production, Pet Farming and Animal Product Processing, Preservation and Marketing. Our email is or call +234 8068101114. You 're welcome.


In the spirit of the season, are lending a hand to partner with you in the noble course to make protein food readily available to our teaming populace at affordable prices. To achieve this aim, we launched this online platform, wrote ebooks on the various animal farming enterprise from start to finish and also give professional advice to our site readers like you, to ask you question click on comment to leave your questions as a comment beneath the article. The online platform is an avenue to reach to millions of prospective farmers out there like you, enabling us to break the limitation placed by distance as barrier to reach you. 100% successful farming adventure or investment guaranteed. This online platform was meant and designed to encourage and asisst you to start your own farm today from the scratch, with or without any prior knowledge of animal farming and management to finish. You don't need to worry or border so much, you have our full support and our profession advice at your disposal so why worry, always count on us. Contact us today for your farm feasibility study, project costing and evaluation, business plans writing for easy loan securement in banks, financial instutions and other lending agencies, high yielding animal breeds to rear, feedstuffs and feeding, animal breeding techniques, livestock care and management, online counselling services on any of the below mentioned animal farming enterprises which include Fish Farming, Poultry Farming, Piggery Farming, Ruminants Production, Cattle Farming, Sheep Farming and Goat Farming, Ginea Pig farming, Rabbit Farming, Snail Farming, Bee Keeping and honey production (Apiculture), Mushroom Production, Pet Farming and Animal Product Processing, Preservation and Marketing. Our email is or call +234 8068101114. You 're welcome.


In the spirit of the season, are lending a hand to partner with you in the noble course to make protein food readily available to our teaming populace at affordable prices. To achieve this aim, we launched this online platform, wrote ebooks on the various animal farming enterprise from start to finish and also give professional advice to our site readers like you, to ask you question click on comment to leave your questions as a comment beneath the article. The online platform is an avenue to reach to millions of prospective farmers out there like you, enabling us to break the limitation placed by distance as barrier to reach you. 100% successful farming adventure or investment guaranteed. This online platform was meant and designed to encourage and asisst you to start your own farm today from the scratch, with or without any prior knowledge of animal farming and management to finish. You don't need to worry or border so much, you have our full support and our profession advice at your disposal so why worry, always count on us. Contact us today for your farm feasibility study, project costing and evaluation, business plans writing for easy loan securement in banks, financial instutions and other lending agencies, high yielding animal breeds to rear, feedstuffs and feeding, animal breeding techniques, livestock care and management, online counselling services on any of the below mentioned animal farming enterprises which include Fish Farming, Poultry Farming, Piggery Farming, Ruminants Production, Cattle Farming, Sheep Farming and Goat Farming, Ginea Pig farming, Rabbit Farming, Snail Farming, Bee Keeping and honey production (Apiculture), Mushroom Production, Pet Farming and Animal Product Processing, Preservation and Marketing. Our email is or call +234 8068101114. You 're welcome.


In the spirit of the season, are lending a hand to partner with you in the noble course to make protein food readily available to our teaming populace at affordable prices. To achieve this aim, we launched this online platform, wrote ebooks on the various animal farming enterprise from start to finish and also give professional advice to our site readers like you, to ask you question click on comment to leave your questions as a comment beneath the article. The online platform is an avenue to reach to millions of prospective farmers out there like you, enabling us to break the limitation placed by distance as barrier to reach you. 100% successful farming adventure or investment guaranteed. This online platform was meant and designed to encourage and asisst you to start your own farm today from the scratch, with or without any prior knowledge of animal farming and management to finish. You don't need to worry or border so much, you have our full support and our profession advice at your disposal so why worry, always count on us. Contact us today for your farm feasibility study, project costing and evaluation, business plans writing for easy loan securement in banks, financial instutions and other lendering agencies, high yielding animal breeds to rear, feedstuffs and feeding, animal breeding techniques, livestock care and management, online counselling services on any of the below mentioned animal farming enterprises which include Fish Farming, Poultry Farming, Piggery Farming, Ruminants Production, Cattle Farming, Sheep Farming and Goat Farming, Ginea Pig farming, Rabbit Farming, Snail Farming, Bee Keeping and honey production (Apiculture), Mushroom Production, Pet Farming and Animal Product Processing, Preservation and Marketing. Our email is or call +234 8068101114. You 're welcome.
We will help us achieve success in your farming investment guaranteed.Contact us now for your farm feasibility study,costing, business plans writing for easy loan securement in banks and lendering agencies, high yield animal breeds,feedstuffs and feeding, animal breeding, care and management counselling on any ofthe below animal farming enterprises which include Fish Farming, Poultry Farming, Piggery Farming, Ruminants Production, Cattle Farming, Sheep Farming and Goat Farming,Ginea Pig farming, Rabbit Farming, Snail Farming, Bee Keeping (Apiculture), Mushroom Production, Pet Farming and animal product processing and Marketing. You can email us or call +234 8068101114. You 're welcome.
Contact us now for management counselling on Fish Farming, Poultry Farming, Piggery Farming, Ruminants Production, Cattle Farming, Sheep Farming and Goat Farming,Ginea Pig farming, Rabbit Farming, Snail Farming, Bee Keeping (Apiculture), Mushroom Production, Vegetable Crop Farming, Cash and Food Crop Farming and Marketing. You can email us or call +234 8068101114. You 're welcome.


We will help us achieve success in your farming investment guaranteed.Contact us now for your farm feasibility study,costing, business plans writing for easy loan securement in banks and lendering agencies, high yield animal breeds,feedstuffs and feeding, animal breeding, care and management counselling on any ofthe below animal farming enterprises which include Fish Farming, Poultry Farming, Piggery Farming, Ruminants Production, Cattle Farming, Sheep Farming and Goat Farming,Ginea Pig farming, Rabbit Farming, Snail Farming, Bee Keeping (Apiculture), Mushroom Production, Pet Farming and animal product processing and Marketing. You can email us or call +234 8068101114. You 're welcome.




A pig farmer has the following advantages, which include Pigs meats either pork, ham, bacom or pork sausages are source of food, quality protein and its enjoying huge patronage in the meat market both in the local and international markets. Pig by-products such as the skin, bristles (hairs), hooves and lards are valuable products which are utilized in many ways such as, domestically in cooking as oil and industrially in soap making, manufacturing of hair and shoe brushes, adhesive glues. Pig skin is used medically in human skin treatment and surgery. Pig helps to balance and clean the ecosystem, since they utilizes kitchen waste-products and residues as feed. Hence there feed cost is low. Pig farm can be sited near a farm land or industrial processing firm as a form of waste management technique, utilizing the farm and by-products of industrial processing as source of feed. A female pig (sow) is prolific in nature, it gives birth to between 8 - 12 piglets at once. A sow can deliver twice yearly with an average of 10 piglets per birth. Its gestation period last for 114 days. Do the calculation, how many pigs will you have in a year? Having known this make a decision today. Pig farming is in thee a money spiner. Contact us now for management counselling on Fish Farming, Poultry Farming, Piggery Farming, Ruminants Production, Cattle Farming, Sheep Farming and Goat Farming,Ginea Pig farming, Rabbit Farming, Snail Farming, Bee Keeping (Apiculture), Mushroom Production, Vegetable Crop Farming, Cash and Food Crop Farming and Marketing. You can email us or call +234 8068101114. Welcome




We can help you achieve your dreams and success. We are here for you. Do you want to launch a successful farming enterprise? but don't know how to start, or you have already established a farm and you are not successful in your farming enterprise. Are you limited by capital to run or expand your farm business, do you want to write a business plan to help you acquire soft loans from various banks, NGOs and government agencies. Do you want to write a feasibility study on a given farm enterprise you want to establish, do you need special attention in the areas of feedstuff sourcing, feed formulations for difference growth and development of your livestocks, their nutrient requirements and how you can achieve them using the readily available feedstuffs and by-products in your locality, thereby helping you to minimize production cost while increasing your grand profit. Do you want to know the lastest techniques in animal nutrition, animal health and hygiene, livestock management, breeding, animal product processing, crop production, seed treatment, seed viability, planting systems, chemical weed and pest control strategies, harvesting, crop produce processing, storage, outsourcing and marketing. Do you need professional advice on agro-allied businesses? Are you interested in Fish Farming, Poultry Farming, Piggery Farming, Ruminants Production, Cattle Farming, Sheep Farming and Goat Farming, Ginea Pig farming, Rabbit Farming, Snail Farming, Bee Keeping (Apiculture), Mushroom Production, Vegetable Crop Farming, Cash and Food Crop Farming and Marketing. Call us today on how we can help you start a successful agro-enterprise. For questions, feel free to ask yours by commenting below. For updates subscribe for free to this site posts. You are welcome. Fish Farming, Poultry Farming, Piggery Farming, Ruminants Production, Cattle Farming, Sheep Farming and Goat Farming,Ginea Pig farming, Rabbit Farming, Snail Farming, Bee Keeping (Apiculture), Mushroom Production, Vegetable Crop Farming, Cash and Food Crop Farming and Marketing.


Animal rearing or keeping or you prefer animal farming or animal husbandry. One thing is common to all of the above, it refers to the act of domestication of animals by man for various purposes such as pets, source of food, source of income when sold alive or meats to the farmer/keeper, as source of industrial raw materials as animal products such as the hides and skins, hooves, faecal droppings are used in making leather bags, belts, hats, shoes, adhesive glues, fertilizers and feeds respectively. Animal farming does not require much stress, if the act is mastered. We are here to help you out, in your quest to master the money making act of animal farming which i called Animal Production and Management. This involves commercialing the above named act. The scope of interests are : animal breeds to produce (rear), animal housing, spacing, stocking densities at various stages of growth, animal feedstuffs, animal nutrition,animal hygiene, animal breeding and reproduction, animal diseases and control,animal management, animal behaviour, animal products and processing, animal products marketing, animal production for mega cash and money making. We encourage you to launch your own farming enterprise today join the league of successful rich men and women in Fish Farming, Poultry Farming, Piggery Farming, Ruminants Production, Cattle Farming, Sheep Farming and Goat Farming,Ginea Pig farming, Rabbit Farming, Snail Farming, Bee Keeping (Apiculture), Mushroom Production, Vegetable Crop Farming, Cash and Food Crop Farming and Marketing.We will lend a hand try us today. Contact us for free consultancy, thanks.


Animal rearing or keeping or you prefer animal farming or animal husbandry. One thing is common to all of the above, it refers to the act of domestication of animals by man for various purposes such as pets, source of food, source of income when sold alive or meats to the farmer/keeper, as source of industrial raw materials as animal products such as the hides and skins, hooves, faecal droppings are used in making leather bags, belts, hats, shoes, adhesive glues, fertilizers and feeds respectively. Animal farming does not require much stress, if the act is mastered. We are here to help you out, in your quest to master the money making act of animal farming which i called Animal Production and Management. This involves commercialing the above named act. The scope of interests are : animal breeds to produce (rear), animal housing, spacing, stocking densities at various stages of growth, animal feedstuffs, animal nutrition,animal hygiene, animal breeding and reproduction, animal diseases and control,animal management, animal behaviour, animal products and processing, animal products marketing, animal production for mega cash and money making. We encourage you to launch your own farming enterprise today join the league of successful rich men and women in Fish Farming, Poultry Farming, Piggery Farming, Ruminants Production, Cattle Farming, Sheep Farming and Goat Farming, Ginea Pig farming, Rabbit Farming, Snail Farming, Bee Keeping (Apiculture), Mushroom Production, Vegetable Crop Farming, Cash and Food Crop Farming and Marketing. We will lend a hand try us today. Contact us for free consultancy, thanks.


In the present economic downturn, pig farming is a veritable opportunity for you to make good money while securing your investment. With the demand for pork meat very high, coupled with the low cost of productiom as pig can feed on scraps and kitchen waste-products. A sow (femald pig) farrow i.e delivers between 8 - 12 piglets in a birth. Piglets are sold as from #3500 upwards depending on their weigh. A sow can give birth twice a year. You can sale your stocks as weaners, growers or matured pigs. With good management and adequate housing pigs are less susceptible to diseases. Start a pig farm today and key in for this mega buck income opportunity. For how you can start a pig farm with just #5000 capital please contact us via phone or email or comment on this post, we will be glad you did. We can help you source for good quality stocks in your Fish Farming, Poultry Farming, Piggery Farming, Ruminants Production, Cattle Farming, Sheep Farming and Goat Farming,Ginea Pig farming, Rabbit Farming, Snail Farming, Bee Keeping (Apiculture), Mushroom Production, Vegetable Crop Farming, Cash and Food Crop Farming and Marketing.We are expert in what we do, a trial we convince you. Start a farm today and we will guide you to success, you are not alone.




Fish Farming, Poultry Farming, Piggery Farming, Ruminants Production, Cattle Farming, Sheep Farming and Goat Farming,Ginea Pig farming, Rabbit Farming, Snail Farming, Bee Keeping (Apiculture), Mushroom Production, Vegetable Crop Farming, Cash and Food Crop Farming and Marketing.